Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Fatigued Sky.

My eyes ache.
Everything else even more.
I almost forget what pain is.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The fatigued sky in response :

    You look up ,crinkle your eyes and curse the harsh light,
    while I'm burning my back,protecting you from the Sun God's might.
    The clouds uncontrollably weep when they tell me tales,
    of all the hate breeding below,the war and it's gory details.
    But you look up after sometime and only pray I would stop..
    embracing the heavy hearts of the clouds .

    Although ..
    I derive pleasure when you look at me lovingly at night,
    when the moon croons softly to the dancing star's delight.

    I almost forget the pain that was.....
