Sunday, December 8, 2013

Mr.Sock - Which Leg Do You Want?

He holds on to empathy, like it is a part of his body. But it is! The confusion created by a group of people trying hard to socialize is too overbearing for him. Such was the character of Mr. Sock. 

Once Mr. Sock had gone to a house-warming ceremony. Do you know what he got for his friends who had invited him? A shoe cleaner. So with his ideas either being too stupid or too abstract for people to make a mental note and notice, he suffered in private in his own agony of irrationality of people around him.

This was one such another great get together, in which he had forcefully put forth is creativity ( all for nothing). But he had lied to himself, he loved creativity too much to even compare it to the reality of feelings toward any human being. He often wondered whether the girl he liked actually believed he existed or that he existed himself.

When he pointed this observation to her in his mind, she then had said  "That is not possible".

He had just replied back with a wide smile, a grin reaching to the edges of his eyes, those edges which had never seen the light of day. He was done for. All it took often to believe in the woman he loved, was a smile. That simplest and the most difficult of expressions to fake. The lightest twitch, the twisted look and the elegant truth of the lie.

Then his mind reeled, his memory of the present faded, but his past came swooping on to him.

At a cabin near the shore, the cat had once said to him that he would live on forever.

"So you inspire people? I heard that Mr. Katk - the king of all cats was totally taken by you. I personally, do not see much in humans. They are all stupid, a bunch of caricatures of God himself. Although I do oversimplify my beliefs for the ease of certainty, my God is a four letter thing - Milk!"

"Eh" I had said.

"There you go, you just proved my point. Don't you every learn grammar and language structure back in the human world? I mean, come on. I meow because I should meow. It has evolutionary reasons. Now, why would you go on and say things like - Eh, Meh, Heh. What the fuck in milk's name does it mean?!"

"You digress from your story telling" I said.

" Yes yes, I just love doing that to people, it is all the more funnier from my side" said Mr. Cling.

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